Accelerating grid modernization with open technology and standards 668
Accelerating grid modernization with open technology and standards
With rapid grid modernization, the electric grid is facing urgent challenges with the speed of innovation, cybersecurity, system interoperability, long-term maintainability, and cost management. This session will argue that open technology and standards are underutilized tools to address these challenges. It will introduce the basics of open technology and standards, dispel myths and misconceptions, and explain how stakeholders can realize strategic advantages by adopting open approaches. Using examples from utilities, such as RTE and Alliander, and adjacent industries, such as telecom, this session will demonstrate how open technology and standards can benefit all stakeholders, from vendors to utilities to ratepayers, and should be a core component of grid modernization strategy.
Date & Time
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 10:45am PDT
End Date & Time
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 11:15am PDT
Hall A - Renewable Energy Stage
Category Sessions

